- Dimensions product team
Account creation updates, advanced search fields and improved highlighting
Create a free Dimensions account
To streamline your experience and offer improved services, we now require users to create a free account. This account will ensure a more personalized and secure interaction with our app. If you haven't registered yet simply follow the on-screen prompts to create your free account. We've made the process quick and easy to ensure you can continue using Dimensions hassle-free.
New advanced search fields
Search by DOI for publications and datasets - You can now swiftly search for specific publications and datasets using their Digital Object Identifier (DOI) and combine it with other advanced search fields, providing you with a seamless way to retrieve accurate and targeted results.
Search by 'Date Inserted' for patents - This new field allows you to narrow down your search results based on when patents were added to our database, this empowers you to filter content based on insertion date for more relevant and timely information.
Improved keyword highlighting
We are introducing an enhanced keyword highlighting for improved search accuracy for phrases such as "gene sequencing". In previous versions, the keyword highlighting algorithm would highlight not only the exact phrase but also individual terms within the phrase across titles and abstracts. With this update, we have refined this functionality to exclusively emphasize the exact phrase in both title and abstract, providing users with more precise and relevant search results.
Stay tuned for more enhancements, and as always, your feedback is invaluable in shaping our platform to better serve your needs. Happy searching!