Dimensions product team
Dimensions Web App

Advanced search queries with up to 25K patent IDs

AUTHOR: Dimensions product team

Patent ID search

You can now search for up to 25,000 patent IDs in Dimensions. The supported IDs are:

  • Patent number (with and without dashes);

  • Application number;

  • FDA orange book application number as well as

  • Patent family number.

This feature is part of the advanced search available in Dimensions Analytics.

Improved export robustness

Increased robustness of export jobs: We send a notification if an export wasn't successful and you can 'Retry' the same export request.

Shared groups improvement

Added a column to the ‘Browse shared groups’ page with the type of filter used in each group (research org, source title etc.).


  • Fixed an issue in the grants export where the column ‘Research organization - original’ included the standardized organization name.

  • Fixed an issue with the (advanced) acknowledgment search where it sometimes returned an error when applying boolean nesting.

  • Fixed an accessibility issue where the search page didn’t have a unique page title if no search was applied.

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