Dimensions Team

Dimensions Author Check Version 0.4

AUTHOR: Dimensions Team


We are pleased to announce the release of Dimensions Author Check 0.4, featuring

  • An even bigger data set

  • Enhanced author name search and additional options for searching by affiliation

  • A new column in author search results

  • A new link to the main Dimensions app, to see the list of papers associated with a collaboration between two authors


More retraction notices

Dimensions Author Check now includes nearly 2000 additional retraction notices.

Name search now supports permutations

If you are searching for a researcher and the name you provide is a permutation of their name as it exists in Dimensions, the researcher will still appear in your search results. For example, if a researcher is named Zhang Wei in Dimensions and you search for Wei Zhang, you will still find them.

Search results now show co-authors with network flag

It's now easier to spot authors who have collaborated with other authors who have earned the network flag.

Two affiliation search options

The Researcher finder page has a new filter option, "Affiliation filter type", which allows you to specify whether authors appearing in search results must be currently affiliated with the specified institution or can also have been affiliated with that institution at some time in the past.

See papers from collaborations

Clicking the ellipsis next to collaboration strength in the "Strength of collaboration" column of the Co-authors table in the Researcher profile page gives the option to see all of the papers resulting from the collaboration in Dimensions.

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