Dimensions product team

Dimensions Research Integrity, Version 0.3.0

AUTHOR: Dimensions product team


Version 0.3.0 of the Dimensions Research Integrity app includes more detailed comparisons of data sharing practices, the ability to turn the global overview into a country overview by selecting a country of interest, and new dashboards for analysing the effects of collaborations between research organizations and between funders. The Publisher view of the app also now allows visual comparisons between journals across multiple publishers.

New Features

New filter in Global Overview section: Research org country

A new filter in the Global overview section of the app allows you to turn any of the pages in the Global overview into a country-specific overview. For example, to see a report on Australian research organizations, go to the Research organizations dashboard in the Global overview section and filter the dashboard to only include research organizations in Australia.

Analysis of Collaborating Research Organizations

In the Research Organization view of the app, a Collaborating organizations page has been added to the Organization overview section:

This page shows the research organizations that collaborate with the main organization selected, allowing analysis of which partner organizations raise or lower the likelihood of Trust Marker inclusion in published research. This can help identify organizations that help researchers to maintain high standards of transparency and reproducibility in research, and also identify collaborations where researchers might need extra support in championing good communication practices.

Analysis of Publications With Multiple Sources of Funding

Analogous to the Collaborating organizations page discussed above, the Funder view of the app now contains a Co-funders page within the Funder overview section.

This page offers a breakdown of how the presence of Trust Markers in published research varies according to the funders of the research. The table on the page will show all the funding organizations that have co-funded research with the main funding organization selected and whether the presence of these funders is predictive of greater or less prevalence of Trust Markers.

Comparing data sharing practices

We have added a new comparison feature across all views on the app (Research Organization, Publisher and Funder)! The new Compare data sharing practices page in the Comparison section of the app allows you to compare the quality and nature of data availability statements across multiple research organizations, publishers or funders. This includes a comparison of what is said in data availability statements, e.g. that the data is in a repository or "available on request", as well as a comparison of repository adoption between the selected organisations.

Journal comparisons

In the Publisher view of the app, it is now possible to compare journals from multiple publishers in the same visualisations. This includes data showing the adoption over time for all Trust Markers, similar to the comparisons that are available at the organizational level.

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