Dimensions team

Landscape & Discovery, Version 1.3

AUTHOR: Dimensions team

  • Key players section

    • Added Country filter

  • All pages – New Header format

    • Consolidated Result-Set information in one tile

    • Links to other relevant pages in the report

    • New timestamp to show if/when result set has been updated

  • Concepts and Collaboration pages, VosViewer clustering options

    • Publications: Median publication Year (default), Avg Citations, and Last Publication year

    • Grants: Median Start Year (default)

    • Patents: Median publication year (default)

    • Clinical Trials: Median start year (default)

  • Split User guide section into three thematic pages: Result Sets, Dashboards, and Exporting Data

    • Added instructions for exporting VosViewer network data to use in a separate VosViewer's native app

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