Dimensions product team
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OECD Sustainable Development Goals now available for policy documents

AUTHOR: Dimensions product team

Research organization and funder groups

Updated research organization and funder group definitions available in Dimensions Analytics: Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft, Leibniz Association, Worldwide Universities Network, Minority Serving Institutions, National Science Foundation; New research organization group ‘NCI Cancer Centers’.

Grant details pages

Additional grant numbers returned on the details pages are now also available in the grants export.

Patent details pages

Updated the link out URLs to USPTO and EPO on patent details pages.

Sustainable Development Goals

Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) filter now available for the policy documents content type.

Preprint's resulting publications

There are now more preprints with a ‘resulting publication’ due to an improved identification method.


  • Fixed an issue in the type ahead of the patent CPC and IPCR filter where also the co-occurring codes got returned

  • Fixed an issue in the search bar where the entities in the search tags did not get resolved properly in some cases

  • Fixed an issue in the mobile version of the patents result list where the ‘Group by family’ option was not available

  • Fixed an issue in the ‘Similar documents’ search where the abstract on the result list could not be expanded

  • Fixed an issue where the Dimensions Badges did not appear on the results list in some cases

  • Fixed an issue in the Reviewer Finder / Committee Builder where it was not possible to open the researcher details page for a reviewer candidate

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