Dimensions product team

Perspectives & Insights - Version 1.7

AUTHOR: Dimensions product team

NEW - Enhanced Drill-downs / Downloads

Added ORCID and Dimensions IDs to all researcher-table drill-downs/downloads.

Impacted Dashboard(s): 

  • Researchers - Overview

  • Researchers - Academic age

  • Open research - Researcher & ORCID

Added last-publication-year column and total-career-publications column to researcher table charts

Impacted Dashboard(s): 

  • Researchers - Overview

  • Researchers - Academic age

  • Open Research - Researcher & ORCID

Added comma-delimited FOR codes to patent drill-downs/downloads 

Impacted Dashboard(s): 

  • Applied Research - IP Portfolio

  • Applied Research - Patent Citation

IMPROVED - Performance

Impacted Dashboard(s): 

  • Custom Benchmarking - Key Indicators 

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